Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Plyo Legs and Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps

Hi my dear followers,

Monday my week started off with Plyo Legs from Meso #3.  I always love plyo legs.  Doing a weighted exercise followed by a plyometric move is an awesome leg workout and good cardio workout as well.  Did my legs and glutes feel it today... oh yes they did.  Moving from sitting to standing and walking was a little slow at first.  I had those one leg elevated lunges.  I love to hate those. :-)  They really get you where you want it to. 

Today my workout was Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps from Meso #1. I had a pretty good workout but this one felt a little harder then usual especially on shoulders and a little on the chest.  In Mesocycle 1 Cathe does so many variations of push-ups to work the chest muscles.  I was never big on doing push-ups until I started Cathe.  Once I built up the strength and got better at them, I love them.  They always seem to get my heart rate up there but when I push through them, I feel so strong and accomplished.  I always love working my biceps.  In Mesocycle #1 Cathe always tosses in those drop sets by starting out with a heavy weight doing 15 reps, lower the weight a little and do 12 reps, lower the weight a little again and finish off with 10 reps.  We only have 10 secs in between each set.  If you've never done drop sets before and don't know how they feel and really work the muscles, give it a try, I dare you. :-) 

What was your workout the last few days?  Did you have a good workouts?  Did you burn some calories with me?  I'd love to hear from you.

Keep moving!!


  1. Hi Brenda! I know what you mean about those pushups in Meso 1. I just did Disc 7 on Tuesday and just do my best with them. The rest is awesome. I just got Turbo Fire and will do that today!

  2. Hi Rose,

    Turbo Fire??? Is that Charlene that does Turbo Jam? Please let me know what you think of it. I have Insanity coming and can't wait to try it. Enjoy your workout!!
