Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bootcamp Cardio and Pyramid Lower Body

Hello Followers,

Today I did the original Bootcamp cardio only, which for those of you that aren't familiar with Cathe's workouts is a short cardio blast.  In the original Bootcamp she does a warm up and then 1 minute of cardio, weights, and then abs and repeats that 8 times.  The cardio premix is the warm up with the 8 cardio blasts.  Don't think those 8 minutes are easy.  The blasts are tough, some aren't as tough as others but you don't have much of a rest in between blasts unless you pause the DVD.  I followed that with Pyramid Lower Body.  The workout is 51 min and consists of warm up and then a weight section.  You start with a lighter weight and do 12 reps, increase the weight and do 10 reps, increase the weight more and do 8 reps and then go back down the pyramid using the weight you used for 10 reps and then the weight you used for 12 reps.  We do 5 different lower body exercises and then we do calf raises. Then we go to floor work to do work the glutes and hamstrings more.  If you work hard and push yourself your legs will be spent.  My legs were spent especially after doing the Bootcamp cardio first.

What was your workout today?  You haven't workout out.. what are you waiting for..... get moving!! 

Exercise is a great stress reliever and just over all makes you feel better. 

Don't leave me out here all by myself... come on... workout with me!!  You don't have to do the same workouts as me but do some type of exercise and share it with me.   You want to, I know you do.

Keep moving!!

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