Tuesday, March 22, 2011

4 Day Split Kickbox, Legs, and Abs

Today I did 4 Day Split Kickbox, Legs, and abs. We had a little over a 1/2 hr of kickboxing, which I love and then a great leg workout. I went heavier then I usually do on some exercises.  My glutes were already feeling it today. The leg workout in this DVD is a great overall workout.  This is the one she does the low plane lunges in that I love to hate so much. :-)  Those get me in the glutes really good. Then we finish off with a good ab workout and a well deserved stretch.

Is anyone out there.... what was your workout today?  I had one comment yesterday which was great to see.

Get up off that couch and get moving!!

Didn't work out today... don't beat yourself up over it, tomorrow is another day.  Don't let me down... get that workout in.

Keep moving!!


  1. I love that 4 Day Split Leg workout. That whole program is a real gem. I went to the gym and did the elliptical yesterday. I am on my active recovery week before I start STS Meso 2.

  2. Hi Rose,

    I love working out on the elliptical. It's a great low impact workout. In a few more days you start STS Meso 2. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
