Tuesday, November 15, 2011

4DS - Shoulders, Core, Calves and what cardio did I do??????

Today I did Cathe's 4 Day Split Low Impact Step, Shoulder, Calves, and Core.  I like LIS but it's not a big calorie burner for me so I did the step portion from Body Max 2.  I love the step portion of that workout. I get a good calorie burn, it has fun combo's, and good music.   I followed that with the weight work.  Shoulders were feeling it this morning but I managed to stick with a good weight, it was just harder than normal, but hey.. you'll have those days.

Tomorrow I'll be doing all cardio.  Not sure which cardio workout I"m going to do. I have the night to sleep on it.  As long as I figure out by 3am. :-) 

Have you tried any new workouts?  I always like to get feedback from people on workouts that I've never done or heard of.  I'd love to hear from you about your workout experiences.

Keep on moving and keep on sweating!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

I got Cathe's new DVD's.... YEAH!!

I know it's been since September since I posted anything.  It was hard to stay on top of posting anything, feeling like no one was looking at my blog.  I decided to start it back up again.

Over the last few months, I have stayed on top of my workouts. I did STS for the 3rd time and still love it as much as the first time. 

Last week I got Cathe's new High Intensity Low Impact Series.  I haven't done any of the workouts yet. I have viewed one of them and it looks like it'll be a pretty good workout. 

This week I'm dong the 4 day split with my own twist.  Today I did Chest and Back and instead of doing the High Impact Step, I did HiiT 40/20 and then did the chest and back.  I have a love/hate relationship with 40/20.  I made it through the workout. 

For those of you who may have been following my blog, I'd love to hear from you and what you've been up to. What workouts you've been doing, have you been pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.

Keep on moving!!