Sunday, April 10, 2011

End of the week

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days.  Wanted to quick let you know how my week ended. 

Friday I had Cardio Core Circuit.  Before I did that I did the warm-up and cardio only from the original Bootcamp and then I did CCC.  I had a pretty good workout.  Worked the abs pretty good this week too.

Saturday I was supposed to do Step Blast but I wanted something joint friendly so I did Cardio Coach Press Play on the elliptical and did 10.6 miles.  Had an awesome workout!! 

Tomorrow is the start of a new week in the rotation.  I was supposed to do Circuit Max, which I don't have so I have to figure out what other circuit workout to do.  I probably won't decide until tomorrow morning.  I have an idea but I'm undecided between two.  I won't tell you until tomorrow. :-) 

Rose, if you're out there... you've been doing awesome on the workouts!!  I'm so glad that I motivated you.  That was one reason for doing this blog.  If I can reach out somehow and motivate a few people, it makes this more worth it.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. Hey Brenda! I love the rotation you are doing. Lots of fun workouts! I did STS Meso 2, week 3 Chest, Shoulders, Tris today. This is Disc 19. It might be my favorite so far. I loved this one and really upped my weights. I am seeing some nice results, so exciting!!

  2. Hi Rose,
    That is awesome!!! Keep up the great work. I miss STS. Want to do STS again but would like to do Insanity first. After your done with STS, you should try Cathe's April rotation. I'm having fun with it.

