Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Started Cathe's STS 12 week rotation!!

After 60 days of Insanity, Monday I started Cathe's STS (Shock Training System).  Yesterday I started with Mesocycle 1, Disc 1 which was chest, shoulders, and biceps.   It felt wonderful to lift weights again. I wasn't sure how I was going to do with not lifting for quite a while but I did better then I expected.  Biceps felt a little weaker and so did the shoulders. I didn't have to lower my weights too much so that was good.  This morning I could definitely feel it. It is a good muscle soreness.  After doing Disc 1, I also did Cathe's STS Abs with the medicine ball.  I love that workout.  It's a nice short 9 minutes but you get a real good ab workout in that short amount of time. My abs feel it, especially my obliques. 

This morning I had cardio and I went with Amy Bento's Advanced Step Challenge 2.  I really wanted to get back into step because I enjoy it.  I like that workout too.  Had a good workout.  Felt great to do something fun again. :-) 

Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad I did Insanity and stuck it out the 60 days.  I proved to myself that I could do it.  It's a hard workout.  Especially when you get into the second 60 days. Now I just need to get myself the Insanity t-shirt.

Have you done any workouts to really challenge yourself.  If so, I'd love to hear what it was.  If not, seriously think about it. I'm not saying do Insanity because not everyone is ready for something like that or even would enjoy Insanity.  Get outside of your comfort zone and try something different.  I dare you!! :-)

Keep on moving!!

1 comment:

  1. Toned Abs could be developed by performing three to five abdominal exercise three to five times a week. Initially a person really should start with exercises and repeat them so long as they're comfortable performing it. Using the increase within the fitness level the quantity of exercises could be increased along using the repetitions.
