Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday and Saturday's workouts

Friday I had STS Mesocycyle 1 Legs.  I was hoping that this workout would have firewalkers in them so I could use my new firewalker bands and it did.  Weird that a person would be happy about using firewalker bands.  For those of you that don't know what firewalkers bands are, you can click on the Cathe link on my blog, which will take you to her website.  If you don't feel like going to her website, the firewalker band is basically a resistance band without the ends.  It's about as wide as the resistance band but it's a lot short.  You step your feet through it and what you do is you step out as far as you can and take another 3 steps or so and then repeat the same number of side steps going back the other way.  It works the outer thighs like you wouldn't believe and you can also feel it in the upper gluteus muscle.  Cathe's firewalker bands come in three strengths (light, medium, heavy just like a normal resistance band).  I had a feeling my legs were going to be feeling this workout.  The day wasn't even over with and I could feel it in my quads. 

Saturday morning I get up to do my cardio and I try getting out of bed and OMG!!!  My quads were so sore along with my glutes (the butt musle).  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for cardio.  Was thinking about the elliptical but the way my legs felt that wasn't going to happen.  I went with Amy Bento's CIA Hi-Lo Knockout.  If you're a fan of aerobics, this is a fun one.  She has great music in her and fun moves.  I haven't done this one in a real long time.

Yesterday afternoon my hubby and I had a couples massage in the afternoon.  It was awesome.  It was my birthday present (which is first on Tuesday).  Today was my day off of working out and my body needed it.  My legs were still a little sore from Friday and my back was sore from my massage.  The gal I had really worked on the knots in my back. 

How were your last couple of days?  What workouts did you do? Did you challenge yourself?  Did you push yourself outside your comfort zone? 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

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