Monday, July 25, 2011

Catching up on the workouts!

To catch up on my workouts since my last post, Thursday I had cardio and I put together a combination I wasn't sure about.  My cardio workout started with Cathe's HiiT Pyramid. I haven't done that one in a long time.  Then of course, I had to add onto that since it's only approx. 30 min. long.  You will never guess what I did next.... Insanity's Pure Cardio after the warm-up.  Then I followed that with some of the floor work from Cardio Abs, followed by Cathe's medicine ball abs (I skipped the last exercise). Over all it was a real good workout.  I was a sweaty mess by the time I was done.

Friday was Mesocycle 1 Legs.  Worked my legs she did.  I was sore for a couple of days after that.  It was all good pain.  :-) 

Saturday I decided to go with Cathe's Cardio Fusion.  I really enjoy this workout because she does the warm-up from Body Max2, the finished combo from BM2, a segment from Low Impact Circuit (which I didn't do it low impact), then the blasts from BM2, and then the cardio drills from Drill Max.  I'm down in my basement at 3:30am doing my thing, having a pretty good workout and here some rumbling outside (thunderstorms had rolled in), and about 3/4 of the way into my workout, I'm jumping around and boom, the power goes out.  We don't lose power often so I thought it was going to come back on right away... not so much..... darn it was dark down in that basement.  I managed to feel my way up the stairs to find the flashlight and what did I do.. I went back downstairs and finished my workout on my own.  I knew what I had to do yet so I went ahead and did it. My dear husband thought I was insane.  I had an awesome workout, a great calorie burn and sweat my butt off and it felt great!! 

Sunday was my day of rest and that I did. Granted it didn't help any that we were out very late Saturday night and I was very tired.  I don't do well when I stray from my sleeping routine that much.  I'm back on track today.

This morning I started my last week of Mesocycle 1 Muscle Endurance.  Today was chest, shoulders, and biceps.  I had a really good workout.  Love working the biceps.  She had a lot of push-ups in this one.  I never knew there were so many different ways to do push-ups until I did STS Meso #1. 

Tomorrow is cardio.  Not 100% sure what I'll do.  Was thinking of doing an Insanity warm up and then follow that with Cathe's Athletic Step.  That one is a fun step routine.  We'll see what I feel like doing tomorrow morning.  Not sure about the Insanity warm up though. :-) 

I see that I have a few followers but I often wonder if anyone really is following my blog.   I hope so and I hope somewhere along the lines that I might inspire someone to start working out or step outside of the box and push themselves a little harder then what they normally do.  If you are following my blog, I'd love to hear from you and what your workouts have been.

It's never to late to start working out and doing something  is better then doing nothing.  Doing nothing you will continue to get the same result.  Doing something is a step in the right direction to a better you.

Keep on moving!!

1 comment:

  1. Abdominal exercise and become a champ of this sport. When you're at the gym, you're going to look around at the other females there and you're going to notice a trend. The kind of exercises they do are going to be quite light, high reps and function pretty little quantity of muscles.
