Monday, July 25, 2011

Catching up on the workouts!

To catch up on my workouts since my last post, Thursday I had cardio and I put together a combination I wasn't sure about.  My cardio workout started with Cathe's HiiT Pyramid. I haven't done that one in a long time.  Then of course, I had to add onto that since it's only approx. 30 min. long.  You will never guess what I did next.... Insanity's Pure Cardio after the warm-up.  Then I followed that with some of the floor work from Cardio Abs, followed by Cathe's medicine ball abs (I skipped the last exercise). Over all it was a real good workout.  I was a sweaty mess by the time I was done.

Friday was Mesocycle 1 Legs.  Worked my legs she did.  I was sore for a couple of days after that.  It was all good pain.  :-) 

Saturday I decided to go with Cathe's Cardio Fusion.  I really enjoy this workout because she does the warm-up from Body Max2, the finished combo from BM2, a segment from Low Impact Circuit (which I didn't do it low impact), then the blasts from BM2, and then the cardio drills from Drill Max.  I'm down in my basement at 3:30am doing my thing, having a pretty good workout and here some rumbling outside (thunderstorms had rolled in), and about 3/4 of the way into my workout, I'm jumping around and boom, the power goes out.  We don't lose power often so I thought it was going to come back on right away... not so much..... darn it was dark down in that basement.  I managed to feel my way up the stairs to find the flashlight and what did I do.. I went back downstairs and finished my workout on my own.  I knew what I had to do yet so I went ahead and did it. My dear husband thought I was insane.  I had an awesome workout, a great calorie burn and sweat my butt off and it felt great!! 

Sunday was my day of rest and that I did. Granted it didn't help any that we were out very late Saturday night and I was very tired.  I don't do well when I stray from my sleeping routine that much.  I'm back on track today.

This morning I started my last week of Mesocycle 1 Muscle Endurance.  Today was chest, shoulders, and biceps.  I had a really good workout.  Love working the biceps.  She had a lot of push-ups in this one.  I never knew there were so many different ways to do push-ups until I did STS Meso #1. 

Tomorrow is cardio.  Not 100% sure what I'll do.  Was thinking of doing an Insanity warm up and then follow that with Cathe's Athletic Step.  That one is a fun step routine.  We'll see what I feel like doing tomorrow morning.  Not sure about the Insanity warm up though. :-) 

I see that I have a few followers but I often wonder if anyone really is following my blog.   I hope so and I hope somewhere along the lines that I might inspire someone to start working out or step outside of the box and push themselves a little harder then what they normally do.  If you are following my blog, I'd love to hear from you and what your workouts have been.

It's never to late to start working out and doing something  is better then doing nothing.  Doing nothing you will continue to get the same result.  Doing something is a step in the right direction to a better you.

Keep on moving!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Loving lifting weights!!

This week I have continued doing STS Mesocycle 1 (Muscle endurance).  Monday I had chest, shoulders, and biceps.  Had a pretty good workout.  I'm really loving getting back to lifting weights. 

Tuesday I had cardio and decided to go with Cathe's Kick, Punch, and Crunch.  I love the drills she does towards the middle and I love the kicking and punching combo's in the 2nd half.  It's funny though, doing Insanity obviously has improved me on the cardio side.  I did KPC and it didn't seem as hard as the last time I did it.  That's a pretty good feeling.

Today was weights again.  I had back and triceps.  Again, had  a pretty good workout.  Lower back has been a little sensitive so I was being careful with the barbell rows. 

Tomorrow I have cardio again.  I have an idea what I might do but we'll see how I feel in the morning and make sure I'm up for it.

Hope you've been surviving this heat and humidity.  I love warm weather but this is too much with that high humidity.

I hope this hot weather didn't stop you from working out.  Hopefully you worked out in the morning before it got too hot.

Keep moving!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Workouts so far this week have been....

This week started off with STS Meso #1 Chest, shoulders, and biceps.  Had a real good workout.   I do feel like I lost some strength in my shoulders and biceps while doing Insanity.  I'm still doing pretty good with the weights though.  Haven't dropped down in weight too much when lifting. 

Tuesday was one of my favorite cardio workouts, Cathe's Intensity.  Love it, love it, love it.  I like the combination of step, HiiT (hi & low impact).  Did pretty good since I haven't done that one in a couple of months. 

Weds was Meso #1 - back and triceps.   The bent over rows have been a challenge.  It doesn't help though that my lower back has been a little sensitive.  I'm trying to be careful.  Another weight workout that felt great.  

Today I had cardio and wasn't sure what I wanted to do but since I had a nasty headache when I woke up and my head felt all congested, I decided to do cardio coach 7.  Again, haven't done the elliptical since I started Insanity.  Felt nice to get a real good cardio without the impact.   Had a little hard time breathing since I my nose was stuffed up.  

Today my head felt all stuffy.  Had a sinus headache all day, eyes itch, was sneezing, runny nose.  I'm going to bed early tonight so if I'm working on something, hopefully I can head it off. I know there has been enough people that I work with that have been sick.  I don't want to get whatever it is.

Tomorrow I have Legs again from Meso #1.  Last Friday it took me at least two days to recover.   We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Who's been working out with me?   What workouts have you been doing?  I'd love to hear from you.

Keep moving & sweating!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday and Saturday's workouts

Friday I had STS Mesocycyle 1 Legs.  I was hoping that this workout would have firewalkers in them so I could use my new firewalker bands and it did.  Weird that a person would be happy about using firewalker bands.  For those of you that don't know what firewalkers bands are, you can click on the Cathe link on my blog, which will take you to her website.  If you don't feel like going to her website, the firewalker band is basically a resistance band without the ends.  It's about as wide as the resistance band but it's a lot short.  You step your feet through it and what you do is you step out as far as you can and take another 3 steps or so and then repeat the same number of side steps going back the other way.  It works the outer thighs like you wouldn't believe and you can also feel it in the upper gluteus muscle.  Cathe's firewalker bands come in three strengths (light, medium, heavy just like a normal resistance band).  I had a feeling my legs were going to be feeling this workout.  The day wasn't even over with and I could feel it in my quads. 

Saturday morning I get up to do my cardio and I try getting out of bed and OMG!!!  My quads were so sore along with my glutes (the butt musle).  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for cardio.  Was thinking about the elliptical but the way my legs felt that wasn't going to happen.  I went with Amy Bento's CIA Hi-Lo Knockout.  If you're a fan of aerobics, this is a fun one.  She has great music in her and fun moves.  I haven't done this one in a real long time.

Yesterday afternoon my hubby and I had a couples massage in the afternoon.  It was awesome.  It was my birthday present (which is first on Tuesday).  Today was my day off of working out and my body needed it.  My legs were still a little sore from Friday and my back was sore from my massage.  The gal I had really worked on the knots in my back. 

How were your last couple of days?  What workouts did you do? Did you challenge yourself?  Did you push yourself outside your comfort zone? 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mesocycle 1 Back and Triceps and Cario Core Circuit

Weds I had weights and had Back and triceps from STS Mesocycle 1.  Had a great workout.  The back and tri's were feeling it today.  There definitely is a different soreness with lifting weights as compared to with Insanity.  It's a good soreness though.

Today I had cardio and I decided to go with Cathe's Cardio Core Circuit.  With it being 51 minutes long, I added a little something to the beginning of it to make it a full hour.  You will never guess what I did first before CCC..... an Insanity warm-up and stretch from Pure Cardio.  Once I finished that then I obviously skipped the warm up in CCC because if you're familiar with Insanity, you're plenty warm after that warm-up.  Had a real good workout with CCC.  I love the blasts and then doing some ab work in between.

Tomorrow I have legs from Meso #1, which has a little cardio factor in since it is endurance based.  Hoping it's one of the workouts where she does firewalkers.  I bought the firewalker bands and I'd love to try them.  :-)  How silly to get excited over such a thing. 

Anyone have any good workouts to share with me.  What have you done the last couple of days.  Did you go outside your comfort zone. 

Time for me to hit the sack. 
Sleep tight!

Until next time... keep on moving!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Started Cathe's STS 12 week rotation!!

After 60 days of Insanity, Monday I started Cathe's STS (Shock Training System).  Yesterday I started with Mesocycle 1, Disc 1 which was chest, shoulders, and biceps.   It felt wonderful to lift weights again. I wasn't sure how I was going to do with not lifting for quite a while but I did better then I expected.  Biceps felt a little weaker and so did the shoulders. I didn't have to lower my weights too much so that was good.  This morning I could definitely feel it. It is a good muscle soreness.  After doing Disc 1, I also did Cathe's STS Abs with the medicine ball.  I love that workout.  It's a nice short 9 minutes but you get a real good ab workout in that short amount of time. My abs feel it, especially my obliques. 

This morning I had cardio and I went with Amy Bento's Advanced Step Challenge 2.  I really wanted to get back into step because I enjoy it.  I like that workout too.  Had a good workout.  Felt great to do something fun again. :-) 

Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad I did Insanity and stuck it out the 60 days.  I proved to myself that I could do it.  It's a hard workout.  Especially when you get into the second 60 days. Now I just need to get myself the Insanity t-shirt.

Have you done any workouts to really challenge yourself.  If so, I'd love to hear what it was.  If not, seriously think about it. I'm not saying do Insanity because not everyone is ready for something like that or even would enjoy Insanity.  Get outside of your comfort zone and try something different.  I dare you!! :-)

Keep on moving!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


July 2nd was my last day of Insanity.  YEAH!!!  I can't believe I stuck with it the entire 60 days.  I'm very proud of myself.  I had a neighbor friend who did challenge me to see if I stick to it and I did.  She said that a lot of people that she knew stopped Insanity once they got into the 2nd week of the second 30 days.  Not me... I stuck it out and did it!!  I don't know that I'll do Insanity again straight through like that but I will definitely incorporate the workouts in whatever rotation I'm doing.  This last week I was definitely getting the dread factor.  The repetitiveness was getting to me and it was lacking the fun factor.  When doing Cathe's workouts, I have fun with those. I'm very much looking forward to getting back to workout out to Cathe.  I like Shaun T, I think he's a great instructor but Cathe is still #1 for me. :-) 

I was thinking about starting Cathe's STS (Shock Training System) again.  It's a 12 week rotation. I'll toss in cardio on the other 3 days.  Unless I like her July rotation when she comes out with it.  Her June rotation looked pretty good too. I have today to decide.  

After not lifting weights for 60 days, I'm very much looking forward to getting back into it.  Can't wait.

Now I want to get myself an Insanity t-shirt since I finally completed it.

I know I haven't been blogging for a while because the workouts were the same thing over and over with Insanity.  I figured it would get a little boring talking about the same thing over and over.  I figured I'd wait until I was done before I blogged again. 

What have you're workouts been these past few weeks!!  I'd love to hear from you!! 

Keep on moving and sweating!!