Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 3 of Rotation

To catch you up on how my week ended.  Friday I had Cathe's Drill Max.  This is a circuit workout.  We start off with a nice warm-up and then 6 circuits.  Each circuit starts out with a cardio drill and then we go into legs and then an upper body.  Each exercise she makes sure there is still a little cardio factor.  She does some different exercises in here and some of which are sports oriented.  Love the football drills at the end where we do the fast runs like they do in football training.  Instead of running through tires we straddle the step and do a fast jog down the length of the step and then go back around one side of the step with both feet and then straddle run again and then go back around the other side of the step. I'm probably not doing the best job explaining it but it's pretty fun. 

Friday afternoon my husband and I left for Door County for a couple of days with some friends.  Saturday ended up being my off day.  We had a nice time and it was nice to get away but I was happy to be back home with my cats (that's another story) and to be physically doing things.  I'm not used to lounging around so much in a day.  The eating was the greatest either.  Especially when you can't really workout.  The weather was really crappy so we couldn't even go for a walk outside.   Sunday afternoon I got my workout in and man did it feel great.  I did Cardio Coach Press Play and did 10.7 miles.  It felt wonderful.  Then I followed that with Cathe's Ab Circuits - Medicine Ball abs.  I love this ab workout.  You use a medicine ball for all the exercises and she works your abs at every angle.  Love the way the extra weight feels when doing the exercises.  I finished it off with a stretch from one of her cardio workouts.

Today was the start of week 3 of this rotation.  I had Cathe's High Step Training Advanced.  This workout is an advance circuit workout. We do 5 circuits.  Each circuit starts with a cardio blast on the high step.  The cardio is short but it gets your heart rate going.  Then we follow that with leg presses.   We do lots and lots of leg presses in this workout.  In this circuit workout she keeps the cardio going after the cardio blast with the leg work.  Each circuit also has upper body work. The one exercise in this workout that I love to hate is hover squats.  We hover over the high step with small pulses to the count of 15.  I think we do this 4 times.  I know that this exercise always kills my quads and by the time it's over with, I'm lucky I can get myself in an upright position.  It burns the legs good.  Overall this is an excellent circuit workout. 

How were your workouts over the weekend?   How about today?  Please don't tell me that the cold weather got you down and you did nothing.  Hopefully you got up and got a good sweat in.

Keep moving!

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