Friday, October 14, 2016

Putting myself out there

Gosh, so much time has past and changed since my last blog.  I started #actionacademy by JillFit to hopefully help me out.  I started my personal training business over 2 1/2 years ago.  It's been slow. Two years ago on November 6th, I had a partial hip replacement done.  I was bone on bone in my left hip and it was affecting my daily living and I needed to do something about it. My thought was, what kind of trainer would I be if I couldn't do half of the stuff I wanted to teach, when I couldn't do it myself due to my osteoarthritis.  Overall, it was a good decision.  By May of the following year I was teaching two exercise class.  I worked very hard on my rehab to build my strength and range of motion back up.  Even two years later, I still am working on improving in my range of motion and strength. 

Trying to get a business going and working 10-11hrs a day at a full time job is pretty demanding.  My goal is someday that I can quit my full time job and work on my business full-time.  I want this so bad and I want my business to be successful.   There is so much out there in the health and wellness arena that it's pretty scary. I feel like what if I'm not good enough or I don't know enough.  What else is there for me to do because I feel like so many people covered it.  Then through #actionacademy my eyes were opened up and I can't worry about that because one person might resonate with me more than someone else on the same topic. 

As I'm learning from Action Academy I can't worry about what other people have done and stop comparing myself to others who have been doing this for years.  I'm finding this difficult to do and am working on this and will continue working on it.  I need to focus on me and not what they've done.  I do know that.

I also worry that people think I don't look like a personal trainer.  I'm still trying to get past that but I'm learning from others in the industry that you don't have to be ripped to be a personal trainer.  I feel I got good strength even though I have parts of me I wish were different.  Again, I need to be me and if I'm not, I'm selling myself short and doing everyone else a disservice.

When you grow up over weight and have gotten picked on from other kids in your school.. it's something you never forget, well at least I haven't.  I honestly think part of me still hangs onto that.  I know I need to let it go.  For years I had a unhealthy relationship with food.  I didn't binge and purge but I did binge and then I would feel so horrible for what I ate and I'd workout more to make up for what I ate.  Very unhealthy.  Thankfully I've gotten past that for the most part but times, feel like I could easily slip back there.  Too many times I used food to deal with my emotions. I am so much stronger now than I was way back then. 

I know I have so much to offer people and I need to let it out.  I'm continuing my education to be more beneficial to people.  I've gotten my books for my Precision Nutrition Level 1 certification. I'm in chapter 1 and trying not to freak out and feel like I got in over my head.  Studying anything has always been a struggle for me.  When I passed my ACE Personal Training certification, that was huge for me, I felt on top of the world.  This will be challenging for me and I will not give up.  I want this!

I feel me putting my feelings out there and sharing how I feel is a big step in the right direction.  I need to stop trying to be perfect.  If I wait until I think things are perfect, it'll never happen. 

Do I feel like if I had a mentor things wouldn't be so scary... heck yeh. I haven't been able to find a mentor locally so to me, my mentors are people in the industry and are successful and motivational in so many aspects.  I've been learning so much from them and they don't even realize it. 

I hope some day that I am that to others.

I need to keep an open mind and let go and not worry so much about what other people think or that I might make a fool of myself or embarrass myself. I need to stop thinking, what if I fail.   If I do, it is what it is and I'll learn and grow from it.

Thank you for letting me share this with you and until next time..... live each day like it's your last.  :-)

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