Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 4 of Insanity

Well, just a couple more days and I made it through 1 week of Insanity.  Today was Cardio Recovery.  I didn't preview the DVD so I didn't know what to expect.  I started it and about 5 min into it realized it was more stretching and toning.  Since I'm a cardio junkie, I quickly changed gears and put in Cathe's Intensity and did the warm-up and step portion only which was about 36 min. and then I put Cardio Recovery in and finished that. In cardio recovery, Shaun T did some interesting toning exercises that I've never done before.  It was neat learning and doing something new and different.

I always enjoy doing new workouts. It's a good way to shock the body by doing something different.  I do have to say though. I'm 4 days into this and even though there has been toning in these workouts, I do miss not lifting weights.   I don't know... we'll see how long I last without lifting weights.  I would like to do the 60 days of Insanity to see what (if any) results or improvements I see from doing this. I will say there are parts of my body that I'm not used to being sore like they are.   Hip flexors is a big one and shoulders and today I could feel it in the upper back.  We'll see.

Tomorrow I have Pure Cardio... I was warned about this one... that the people are lying on the floor. Yeah, can't wait.  Like always, I'll push myself as hard as I can and do the best that I can and rest when I can't go anymore.   What have I gotten myself into.

You know I was thinking the other morning wondering how someone like Cathe Friedrich, Jillian Michaels, and Bob Harper would do at Shaun T's Insanity.  Wouldn't that be interesting to see. :-) 

Yeah, tomorrow is Friday.  I know I had off on Monday but darn did it feel like a long week. 

How was your workout today? What did you do? I love to hear from you. 

Keep on moving!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are liking Insanity!! You're a cardio beast adding on to them! :) It's nice to switch work outs up and experience DOMs again, makes - to me at least - feel like I'm still working hard.

    With a lower back out and spasming this week and now feeling a fever...ugh...I'm barely hanging on the wagon...Last workout was Tues and it was Amy's High Low Knock Out.

    Hoping to try something today...elliptical for a half hour or as long as my back will take it. Maybe a good sweat will help the illness that's trying to creep up on me exit!

    Have a great weekend!
