Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Legs, Kickboxing, and Imax 3

On the rotation for Tuesday was Legs from Mesocycle 1.  Haven't done that in a while.  My legs were spent by the end of the workout.   Elevated lunges off the step.  I have a love hate relationship with those.  Probably my favorite out of that workout is the firewalkers. We take a band and tie it around our ankles and take four steps to one side and then go back and take four steps the other way. Wow do those get you on the outer thighs.  We start out doing exercises without weights and don't be fooled, they burn. Then we go to leg exercises using weights. Anything from squats to wall squats, front lunges, lateral steps off the side of the step.  Then you have the option of doing some additional toning exercises at the end.  Again, just because there is no weight doesn't mean your not going to get as good of a workout.  At the end of the day I wanted to get a little extra cardio so I decided to do CTX Kickboxing, which is a 1/2 hr long of kickboxing moves (punches, kicks, and arm drills).  Love the arm drills!! 

Then this brings us to Weds.  Needless to say my legs were sore from Tues workout.  What was on the agenda for today... Cathe's Imax 3.  It kicked my butt today.  In Imax 3 we have the warm up, then we do 10 drills that start with a small step routine that is repeated 6 times and then we go into the blast.  There are some of the blasts in here that I'm not fond of (of course I don't like them because of how hard they are). I did the best that I could and made it through the workout.  It felt like a tough workout because my legs were sore but aside of that I didn't do too bad.

After a long day at work, the day is coming to an end and it's time for me to hit the hay and get some much needed sleep.   3am comes around way too soon!!

You're all gonna make me ask again.... did you work out today??? What did you do?   Is anyone out there??? I'd love to hear from you.  Share your workouts with me no matter how small or insane they may be. 

Sleep tight!!


  1. Hi Brenda! I did STS Meso 1, Disc 5 today. That is Back and Triceps. I saw your blog on the Cathe site and decided to become a follower. I love Cathe and can see you do too!

  2. Hi Rose,
    I'm so happy you decided to become a follower.
    I hope you continue to follow and look forward to hearing about your workouts.

